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How to Participate in Pathways Training

1 min read

Pathways is a program that was established to provide folks from underrepresented communities in film an opportunity to break into the industry. To be considered, you’d need to fill out an application and, if selected, you’d be interviewed for a chance to be a part of our training session. Our training sessions typically happen twice a year and they are one day sessions where we take folks through the ins and outs of being a production assistant. Once folks complete the training, their names are added to a list that is then sent to productions that come into town looking for PA’s. Only folks who have undergone our training session are eligible to be assigned a mentor.

Our last training session was held in January 2025. Generally new trainings take place in the first quarter of the year. The exact date and details for the next session will be posted on as well as and also on the social media accounts for @otfpdx and @OregonFilm.

OMPA, Outside the Frame and Desert Island Studios often host educational workshops in Portland that are open to the public. If you are interested in attending, please follow them on Instagram @otfpdx and @desertislandstudiospdx to stay up to date. For more information in other parts of Oregon follow @FilmSouthernOregon, @AshlandFilm and @KlamathFilm in Southern Oregon, in Central Oregon & Bend follow @CentralOregonFilmOffice and @BendFilm, and in Eastern Oregon follow @EOFilmFest and @churchill.baker.