How to Hire Pathways Placements

1 min read

The Pathways program helps to train and place entry level employees from marginalized communities into paid positions on the sets and in the studios in Oregon. As a producer, you can inquire about having a Pathways participant on your project, but here is an outline of the programs expectations and requirements.

  1. Identify the departments, positions, rate of pay and number of days of employment for each proposed placement. Each Pathways participant must be paid the same as other PAs with an hourly wage at or exceeding prevailing minimum wage. They must also be paid overtime as/when that is required.
  2. At least 2 weeks prior to your proposed start date, reach out to Tim Williams at Oregon Film with your project name and the information outlined above. Placement needs and funding availability will be approved and confirmed at this stage.
  3. If your placements are approved and funding is available, we will provide you with a list of recent trainees, their contact information and areas of interest.
  4. Production can then contact individuals and arrange for interviews.
  5. Based on these interviews, production will select who they would like to hire.
  6. Assign a mentor to your Pathways placement. This needs to be someone who is in an immediate supervisory role to the placed individual who will give them an introductory training prior to their start date and be available on a daily basis to guide and answer questions for the Pathways placement.
  7. Confirm the names, rates of pay and positions of each of your placements and the names and contact information for their respective mentors with Oregon Film.
  8. Production can officially hire the placements, place them on payroll and add them to the callsheet. We will then contact each of them, and their mentors, and let them know our process and expectations for the placement and the mentorship.
  9. A contract will be drawn up by Oregon Film and executed by the production company specifying the reimbursement levels and the expectations of the placement program.

Notes & Requirements:

  • All Pathways placements need to be paid via payroll. They are not independent contractors and required taxes and workman’s comp insurance need to be confirmed.
  • Pathways trainees can only be placed a maximum of 3 times through the Pathways program. You are encouraged to hire your previous Pathways placements as regular, paid employees outside of the Pathways program after their placements.
  • Payments will be made based on receipt of the following:
    • A completed Mentor Questionnaire by each mentor
    • A completed Placement Questionnaire by each placement
    • A detailed payroll report for each placement
    • An invoice for the aggregate amount agreed to for the project
    • A W9 for the invoicing company

Please let us know if you have any questions.