Commercial Production Incentives

< 1 min read

Commercial production work can qualify for incentives in Oregon. More specifically, commercial production work qualifies under the Greenlight Oregon program. Currently, commercial production work does not qualify for the OPIF programs.

Greenlight Oregon Labor Rebate program can provide a 6.2% cash rebate on in-state payroll for commercial productions that are spending over $1million (in both payroll plus good & services) in Oregon. There are two ways commercial production companies can qualify:

  • If they are spending more than $1million on one commercial production in Oregon or
  • If they are spending, in aggregate, over $1million in Oregon on several commercial productions done by the same applicant company in the same calendar year.

Greenlight is specifically a rebate of Oregon W/H taxes actually paid in up to a cap of 6.2% of overall Oregon-based payroll, so Oregon W/H taxes need to be paid in order to qualify for the rebate.

The Greenlight program does not have an annual cap just a per project cap of 6.2% of Oregon based payroll.