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Incentives First Step: Budget Review

1 min read

Did you know that Oregon Film will review a project budget for you and give you a clear estimate of what your production incentives might be? We do this in industry standard budgeting applications like Movie Magic and Showbiz and we send you back a fully “tagged” budget that will allow you to track changes in your incentive calculation as your budget adjusts. We can also do this in Excel if that’s the platform you have chosen to work in.

In fact, this is the first step for our incentive program.

We like to ensure that you have the information you need to make a decision on “Why Oregon?” and an understanding of the benefits, limitations and requirements of our programs. Once we have made this review and discussed the details of your project, we can then guide you through the application project if you choose.

We are one of the few film commissions that offers this type of detailed budget analysis and we can generally turn it around in just a couple of days.

So let us know if you have a project budget you’d like us to review.