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Oregon’s Regional or R-OPIF Incentive Uplift

1 min read

Oregon has additional incentive funding available to projects that are performing some or all of their production work in locations that are outside of a 30 mile zone drawn from Portland’s Burnside Bridge.

This program, called the “Regional” Oregon Production Investment Fund (R-OPIF), adds additional incentives to all of Oregon’s other incentive programs for production work performed outside of Portland Metro.

There are two qualifying sections to the R-OPIF program.

  1. Projects that are based entirely outside of Portland Metro for at least 50% + 1 day of their shoot, with a minimum of six (6) shoot days in Oregon.
  2. Projects that are based within Portland Metro that have one or more shooting days on a “distant location” (i.e. a location that necessitates overnight accommodation, mileage and/or per diem payments and/or travel time and fuel reimbursement payments) outside of the 30 mile zone.

For projects that fall under #1 above the R-OPIF program simply adds +10% on to whatever their OPIF or L-OPIF rebate amount is. So, by way of example, if a project is given a $500k OPIF rebate after audit and it has based its entire prep and shooting schedule outside of Portland’s 30 mile zone, then the R-OPIF program would add another $50,000 on to that rebate making the total OPIF + R-OPIF rebate amount $550,000.

For projects that fall under #2 above the R-OPIF rebate reimburses the production for an “additional costs purely caused by work on a distant location” up to certain per projects caps ($200/person/day up to a maximum additional R-OPIF rebate of $10,000 per day and $50,000 per project). These “additional costs” include things like hotels, per diem, fuel and travel time. In other words, costs that would not have been incurred for a normal location within the Portland production zone. So, for example, if a feature film is shooting in Portland for 22 of its 24 day schedule but goes to the Oregon Coast for its last 2 days then the R-OPIF program would reimburse (at 100%) that project for costs that are directly associated with being on that Distant Location (e.g. hotels, per diem, travel time) up to a predetermined cap based on crew size and number of days on location. Let’s say this project had a crew of 60 people and a cast of 5 that it utilized for its distant location shoot. The R-OPIF program would reimburse (at 100%) the hotel costs for those two days up to $10,000 per day. That would be up to an additional $20,000 in rebates for those Distant Location shoot days.

You can find an approximate map for the R-OPIF “zone” here, but please contact us for further detail and discussion.

We love all parts of this state and we want to help you to find ways to love (and photograph) all of it too.