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Our Work Benefits Oregon

1 min read

Oregon’s in-state film and video industry has been growing steadily and out-of-state dollars are spread throughout the business communities in filming locations including hotels, restaurants, lumber yards, hardware stores, office supplies, antique stores, retail shops, and wages to Oregonians.

Our most recent impact study was commissioned in 2023 from ECONorthwest. A link to the full report is below but the report found:

The growth of the film and video sector in Oregon has been nothing but explosive. In 2004, we wrote an economic impact report of Oregon’s film and video sector. We found that in 2002, the sector’s direct output was $177.7 million, and its total contribution was $357.1 million. Compare that to what we calculated in this report for FY2023—$1,249.9 million in direct and $2,041.9 million in total contributions. (Table 3). Therefore, in 20 years, the sector’s direct output rose 603 percent and its total contribution rose 472 percent. These are extraordinary increases. And they far outpaced the whole economy of Oregon, which grew about 158 percent over that time.

p. 18 ECONorthwestThe Economic Contributions of Oregon’s Visual Media Industry in Fiscal Year 2023

In FY2023, Oregon Film provided $22.47 million in incentives that attracted productions to Oregon. Because of these incentives, Oregon attracted about $208 million in direct production spending of which $140 million was spent on payrolls for Oregonians. We estimated the total economic contributions from these productions and from those, the personal and business income taxes received in FY2023 by the state of Oregon. We estimated from this that Oregon state government got back 177 percent of every dollar state government spent on film and video production incentives.

p. 19 ECONorthwestThe Economic Contributions of Oregon’s Visual Media Industry in Fiscal Year 2023

In addition, Oregon Film helps support Film Tourism in this state, currently a $67Bn industry worldwide with an estimated $150M being spent in Oregon each year, through its work with OregonMade Creative Foundation and SetJetters to create the first-of-its-kind Oregon Film Trail. See for yourself the economic power of Film Tourism in Oregon in this video:

If you’d like to see more data, view the recent economic impact studies and other information from the State of Oregon:


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