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Pathways Workforce Development, Training and Placement Program

2 min read

Diverse Crew in Oregon

The PATHWAYS PA Training and Placement program is intended for people who want to pursue a career in film and are looking to break into the industry. This process starts with an introductory level training that is not intended for people who have several years of experience working in the film industry. The class is taught by experienced production professionals and is run through program partner Outside the Frame.

PATHWAYS is meant to teach people typically underrepresented in the film industry the skills necessary to be a Production Assistant on professional commercial and motion picture sets. This training consists of one day of interactive in-person learning followed by a curated interview and placement process on the sets on and in the studios of projects working in Oregon.

Since its inception in 2018 (and as of December 2024), Pathways has trained scores of people and then placed 60 trainees into paid positions in almost 100 positions on 50 different projects on sets, in studios and at agencies creating content in Oregon.

The vast majority of Pathways participants go on to find their own work on future projects through connections and mentors they have met through the program and several have accumulated enough experience to join the unions that work within our industry allowing them access to contractually set minimum hourly wages and benefits (health, retirement, and pension).

The Pathways Program is administered by Oregon Film and its partners at Outside the Frame

Pathways provides a supportive entry into the production industry through specific training, ongoing individual and financial support, and connection to mentor/mentee programs. With paid placements, we subsidize, curate and track placements matched to each individual mentee – creating pathways for success in the film industry.  

There are three areas to participate in the Pathways program – 1) training, 2) placements and 3) mentorship. You can find out how you can help and/or participate in any of these areas by reviewing the following linked articles:

  1. How to Participate in Pathways Training
  2. How to Hire Pathways Placements
  3. How to Become a Pathways Mentor

Please let us know if you’d like to get involved.

Here is a great video from Outside the Frame about the program: ​