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4 min read

“Regional” Oregon Production Investment Fund – R-OPIF

1. What is “R-OPIF?”

R-OPIF is a segregated annual amount of the larger OPIF program (3% of the overall fund) which provides extra incentives for productions which base themselves entirely or do one or more production days outside of the Portland Metro Area.

The intention of the program is to financially encourage productions – both large and small – to take their work, in whatever form possible, into the many, many beautiful cities, towns and locations throughout Oregon.

2. What is the “Portland Metro Area?”

For the purposes of R-OPIF, “outside” of the Portland Metro Area is determined by a 30 mile radius, drawn from the center of the Burnside Bridge. You can find a map of this approximate zone here.

3. What does the R-OPIF incentive provide?

There are two mutually exclusive sections to the R-OPIF incentive.

The first applies to productions which are based within the Portland Metro Area (i.e. their main production office is located within those boundaries). For these productions, R-OPIF allows a reimbursement of up to $200/day for each person traveling to and/or being put up at a “distant location” up to a cap of $10,000 per day and a per project overall cap of $50,000. So, if a production based in Portland travels for 3 days of work in, say, Grant’s Pass, they can receive up to $200/day for each person working in and/or staying overnight in Grant’s Pass (based on actual costs and receipts for travel related expenses) up to a max of $10,000/day for the project, which could amount to $30,000 for the three days of work on that “distant location.”

The second applies to productions which are based outside of the Portland Metro Area (i.e. their main production office is located outside of those boundaries). For these productions, R-OPIF allows for an additional 10% to be added to the project’s overall OPIF or L-OPIF award. So, if a project being produced entirely outside of Portland (with a minimum of 6 production days and at least 50% + 1 day of all of the production work being done outside of Portland) is expecting to receive $100,000 from OPIF or L-OPIF – that award will have 10%, or in this case $10,000, added to it from the R-OPIF program for a total of $110,000 of incentives being awarded to the production.

4. Is R-OPIF available to both OPIF and L-OPIF qualifying projects?

Yes, R-OPIF can be used in conjunction with, and in addition to both OPIF and L-OPIF awards and is available to projects which would otherwise qualify for either program.

5. What types of records do we need to retain and submit for an R-OPIF audit and award?

For productions based in the Portland Metro Area which are claiming R-OPIF incentives for one or more production days outside of the Portland Metro Area, Oregon Film will need to review approved Callsheets, Production Reports (or their equivalent for non feature film & TV projects) and Hotel, Travel & Accommodation receipts. Oregon Film may ask for other back-up including but not limited to mileage and gas receipts or other location travel related documents.

For productions based entirely outside of the Portland Metro Area, Oregon Film will need to review approved Callsheets, Production Reports (or their equivalent for non feature film & TV projects), production office lease/rental agreements and any other related receipts and invoices it may deem necessary.

6. If a project is based entirely outside of the Portland Metro Area and travels to a “distant location” that is not within Portland Metro but outside of a 30 mile radius from the project’s main production office, can the two different categories of the R-OPIF program be combined?

In other words, if a project is completely based in Bend but travels to Baker City for 3 days/nights, can the project claim a +10% “uplift” in their OPIF/L-OPIF award in addition to an up to $10,000/day “distant location” award?

No – this is specifically not allowed under the approved statute.

7. For projects originating from Portland and moving to a distant location for some of their shoot; if additional permits, support staff, crew or acting talent are hired specifically “on location” does their labor cost count towards calculating the R-OPIF daily cap?

No. The R-OPIF program for projects originating from Portland and shooting a few days in another part of the state is specifically designed to reimburse additional travel related costs that would not have occurred if the project didn’t choose to shoot a few days on a distant location – e.g. hotels, gas, mileage, overtime due to travel, etc – not additional personnel.